Upcoming Events (updated 1/11/25)
Scheduled events
click on the SHOOTING button for more details
Please help on work days when you can.
Call Matt 478 918-7460 with any questions.
2024 Calendar
December 10, 2024 Tuesday
Range Party
The party is in December this year.
Plan to join your fellow MGGOA members at the annual dinner party.
Friends and family are welcome.
It is on Tuesday, Dec. 10 between 6:00 and 8:00PM
at Golden Corral restaurant in Dublin.
(they close promptly at 8:30)
Pay for your meal when you enter and join us in the banquet room.
We will have the dollar raffle; so bring some items to add to the table.
March 29 & 30, 2025 Sat & Sun
Shamrock Shoot Benchrest Tournament
ARA matches